
How to install rainmeter
How to install rainmeter

how to install rainmeter

You can also share these files with other people to open on their end. Load/Save session: you can store your current session to a file, including all the players data/skills/ap etc, and load it some other time with the same exact values it had.

how to install rainmeter

so you don’t have to re-do them all the time. Portable one (/portable) will use a different folder to read the settings from, so it’s an easy way to keep a separate install if you play both in Euro and US servers and need different settings on each. Run new instance: launch a copy of the program to run in paralel.Grey: not identified as part of a group or faction, could be anything.Purple: opposite faction (must be set manually).Set this player as “Enemy” faction it will be coloured differently from then on. Permanently block the player from being parsed (can be edited in the main menu settings) Block the player from being parsed in the meter until the next time you run it of the raw log that belongs to them, it will be copied to your clipboard as text, ready to paste in a ticket to the publisher.If you think this player is hacking, you can generate a report with all their skill timings/damage and the portion You can select a name from those in the setup if it’s your own character, to be used in the dmg/dps data copy Set this player as “in my group” for more specific data-copy and parsing (set it in the main menu) Launch player profile in the website (not available for European servers and US-Kahrun) Show a list of the looted AP relics, if any Manual adjustment of looted AP relics count Add this player to local player database (more on this below) Open a window with full details of skill usage, timing, hits damage %, averages etc You can right-click any player window to get this menu Click here to switch to Relics AP (automatic when you loot). Hover the mouse here with the window active, to see more data

how to install rainmeter

Click here to copy the player dps data to clipboard You can click here to open the skills window If you are still having trouble after this, please do step 1 here:

how to install rainmeter

  • Enter your character names in the box below the Aion path.

  • How to install rainmeter