Players receive the Ring of Hircine during the quest "Ill Met by Moonlight," where they have to help a werewolf by the name of Sinding break the curse put on the ring. The Ring of Hircine gives players a bloodlust meter that determines how long their werewolf form lasts, though players can equip the Ring again once the meter runs out. The Dragonborn's werewolf form is incredibly powerful, capable of dealing massive amounts of unarmed damage and tanking a ton of damage. The Ring of Hircine gives players unlimited werewolf transformations, assuming that they're already a werewolf. The Ring of Hircine is a bit more situational when compared to The Black Star but can still be incredibly powerful with the right build. RELATED: The Bard's College: The Rewards of Skyrim's Forgotten Faction The Black Star

If players are going to track down any of Skyrim's Daedric artifacts, five stand out among the rest as obvious starting points.

This can obviously lead to the power of certain artifacts being far less than what they should be if the player finds them at low level, making them far less useful than others. Some will level with the player, meaning they'll be found at a higher level that corresponds to the player's level, making them far better to acquire later in the game. However, not all Daedric artifacts are made equally. The reward for completing these quests are the incredibly powerful Daedric artifacts, each providing a unique effect for the player, such as becoming a cannibal. These quests are often some of the more creatively designed side-quests in the game.

One series of quests that The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrimplayers are likely going to do at some point are the Daedric quests, where the Dragonborn assists one of the many Daedric Princes.